Well, as you might have guessed… we have had the wonderful privilege of attending a Zambian-Canadian Nurses’ Bash put on by some of our dear friends at Lewanika General Hospital. The bash took place at a local safari spot (Kassima Safari) which was complete with sandy beaches, loud music, volleyball nets, refreshments, a braiie (bbq), and of course… dancing!!!! Maybe we are getting a bit carried away in saying it was a sandy beach – as there was a ‘swim at your own risk’ sign next to the swamp-like stream on the edge of the flood plains. Ronald (our host) came prepared with delicious crackling wine, plenty of Mosi (local brew) and a local dj. The day was extremely fun. We spent most of our time on the scorching hot volleyball court with the locals or out on the sand dancing to the Zambian music. Sherise also gave us a private salsa lesson which we failed at miserably but it was fun nonetheless (and entertaining for some- especially Fay!). Elizabeth and Lindsey were our all-star football (soccer) players and even locals commented on their stealthy moves. Mary was our volleyball extraordinaire (surprise, surprise;) and was probably the best player out of everyone on the court, including the men…. much to their dismay. The rest of us lounged in the scorching sun, enjoyed the refreshments, and mingled with the locals. It was a fantastic day and we owe many thanks to our excellent host and wonderful driver (aka – Snoop Doggs Brotha) as well as all the other people who made the day so great! Zambian-Canadian Nurses’ Bash was a HUGE success!
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