This blogs provides a medium for students from UBC Okanagan - School of Nursing to critically reflect on their experiences each year in Mongu, Western Province, Zambia.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My favorite day in Africa so far
Nurses’ On the Move
The Crew
Zambian-Canadian Nurses’ Bash

Monday, February 15, 2010
Back in the Saddle Again
As all kids, for the most part they get better fast. The small crying face sports a smile today and tomorrow screams with laughter at the Makuwa nurse playing peek-a-boo. The tiny fist unfurls, the eyes shine, the rash subsides. We have triplet boys, two chubby faces, bright eyes that follow me, ready to smile upon any eye contact from me. The third brother (last one out), has the baggy pant look of malnourishment, a large head, and a big cough. I fall in love at first sight with his big brown eyes and his reluctantly given smiles. The Doctor agrees that my man’s head is very large and perhaps we need to send him to Lusaka. This would be a huge ordeal and expense for the family and Mom would have to tote brothers with him. They are all treated for pneumonia and my boyfriend also is malnourished so is on special feedings.
One small lovely babe does not make it through a severe malarial crisis. Nothing to do but to weep. It is sudden and harsh, like many things in this land of extremes.
The ward nurse tells me that is it obvious that I have a passion for nursing kids. I am so glad it shows! The kids and the staff welcome our funny ways and concerned attitudes. Their smiles are also sudden and beautiful, like many things in this land of extremes.
Sister Fay
One week and a light years from home...
Home in Lusaka: same faces, very wet, same bags, very wet, 7 rooms. Bathroom...not wet!? Spirits high and a dinner out brings smiles...you get the picture?
A quiet space: Shopping with all 13 of us...herding cats? Tried all banks...some money woes, but nothing we can’t solve. Then to a cafe called Zebra Crossing. Looks like a small piece of Africa on safari. Grass thatched shade. Great food and cold beer, served by lovely people in a courtyard filled with African art and a wonderful gift shop. Even had a cat attack... a Tabby attacked a small duckling that was enjoying a walk with Madame Duck... you get the picture?
Bus ride: same baggage, same faces, add what seemed like 200 Zambian men trying to guide, sell and help, tropical deluge interspersed with sun and a mature bus, a rousing sermon to set the stage....you get the picture?
Arriving at first stop on the trip to Mongu....all 13 out in search of bathroom. All 13 suddenly developing well trained bladders after bathroom facilities failed to pass inspection....you get the picture!
Finally, Mongu and one more hassle with 24 bags, 22 carry on, various bags acquired in Lusaka ( think food ) and 13 tired but spirited nurses. Jess womaning the phone and pick up appears along with Sister Stella who was on our bus! Home at last! Showers (not from the sky) are warm, house is great, kitchen well and equipped. Smiles all round...you get the picture?
Our first crisis, one of us must go home to support a sick family member. All of you who have had anything to do with supporting and raising these young women should take a bow. They all used their skills and love to support and organize each other to get our friend home. They are caring, lovely people who continue to send support to their colleague...you know this picture.
13 nurses: Welcomed warmly by Dr. Silumesii, the Executive Director of Lewanika General Hospital. Met the Acting Director of Nursing and were toured around the Lewanika Hospital that will be our practice site for the next five weeks. 10 pairs of big eyes, questioning looks, worried brows. If captions were to appear above heads, some would say “what am I doing here?” ...they have painted this picture.
Mid week: Party at our house to say good bye to some friends. We were elected to host because we are a party on our own and we have a great living room. As our Irish friend said, “looks like an excellent place for a Hooley (sp?)”. So, tired but valiant, we make Chili, and make nice and had a good send off...played Scatagories...you’ve seen this picture.
Wards: We are part of the scenery now, children on the ward greet us with smiles, student nurses look forward to interacting with us, and all watch us with the curiosity and love reserved for an eccentric aunt who brings gifts and exotic behaviours when she visits. We have had our moments, sad things have happened, tears shed, but we kept going back. We leave the children’s ward on Friday and as I look back I see three Canadian students receiving waves, shy smiles and handshakes from a ward full of kids and parents, all of them sporting happy face stickers on their cheeks...you should see this picture!
We have completed our first 10 days in Zambia and have many pictures caught in our minds...each different and each to be visited and reflected upon. Slowly, we are making inroads with our Zambian colleagues...respect is growing on both sides. We are teaching and learning each day.
Jess and I have met with many of our usual support team. Dr. Margaret Maimbolwa greeted us in her usual warm and helpful manner. Dr.Elenor Msidi, with the Zambian Nursing Council, guided me through the registration process and I now proudly can say I am registered in Zambia. We continue to meet with various officials regarding our practicum and OKAZHI initiatives.
From the land of forever skies, big lightening, extreme living...I hope you get our pictures!
Love to all, Fay
Home Again!
In 2008 myself and another colleague, Lianne Jones (who also just so happens to have that same passion for Africa!) taught at Lewanika School of Nursing for 6 months. The school is located in Mongu, the capital of Zambia’s Western Province. Although we were presented with many challenges, I had the privilege of meeting and working with a number of wonderful Zambians. My nursing students were bright and eager to learn, and my teaching colleagues taught me the principles of what it means to be a great teacher.
I returned back to Zambia in October of 09, with a team of surgeons and nurses from Kelowna. Together we have formed an organization called the Okanagan-Zambia Health Initiative-OkaZHI (http://www.okazhi.org/) Our mandate it to continue working in Western Province, Zambia and we will return twice every year to bring education to local Zambian nurses and doctors. I think of the UBCO nursing students as representatives of OkaZHI, and maybe one day they can return back to Mongu and help us to continue our education!
Every time I come back to Zambia it feels more and more like I am returning home. I think I can now officially call Mongu my second home! I love that I can share my second home with these ten wonderful nursing students. Zambia is also known as ‘The Real Africa’, and after traveling around many African countries…I can honestly say it is the ‘Real’ Africa! So far I think they really are getting a taste of the real Africa. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to guide these students through their own life changing experiences.
Friday, February 12, 2010
A message from Mongu
As you will read below, we went to the Orphange on Sunday and were joined by over 200 children. When we arrived they were singing the most beautiful songs - it brought tears to my eyes. We started off by singing and dancing with them, and then we spilt into groups and did beading, painting, skipping, soccer, red rover, and bubbles! It was so joyous to see the children so happy and having so much fun. The couple who run the orphanage told us that it is rare that the children seem so happy, and they were so thankful for our presence. The children glommed onto us - I could easily have brought at least half a dozen home!
All is all everything is going really well. I am having so much fun, learning tons, and crying lots.
Sending all my love to my family and friends back home.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
MONGU thus far.
First of all I would like to start off by saying that I have already been deeply humbled by my experiences here in Zambia. We often take for granted everything we live, breathe, know, and expect back in Canada. I believe this is something that will resonate with me forever.
Even in Africa, we are truly spoiled with our beautiful, newly reno’d guesthouse directly across from some of Zambia’s largest flood plains, and our brand, spanking new ZAMBIKES! It is a blessing to be able to come home to such a safe, peaceful environment where we can debrief and relax in the hot African sunshine. Our new home is a small paradise in a world of heartache and need. Outside the gate of the guesthouse, the Mongu community is in dire need, yet despite the turmoil that surrounds them, the people of Mongu maintain big smiles, warm appreciation, faith in God, and hope. Their resilience inspires me.
On Sunday, we had the opportunity to visit an orphanage in Mandanga that is run by Mrs. Kababa, the librarian at Lewanika School of Nursing, and her husband, Mr. Kababa. Nearly two hundred ecstatic children greeted us. They were singing and dancing their little hearts out. We laughed, sang, danced, played, and cried. I have never been so moved. This day was beyond anything I could have ever expected.
I'm sure many of you have heard the phrase TIA- it means THIS IS AFRICA and it is a phrase we are becoming very familiar with. The African Life is very different from what we are used to in Canada. Many of the things that are soo easily accessible to us in Canada (running water, medical supplies, washers and dryers!!!!!!, food etc etc) are practicallly nonexistent in Zambia. We have gained such an appreciation for what we have at home especially after witnessing what the people of Zambia live without. The people here use the phrase TIA to signify what African life is like - you basically make due with what you have and that's all you can do! As we said before, we are coming to learn this VERY quickly.
We have found one of our greatest challenges has been practicing in the Lewanika Hospital here in Mongu. There are next to no medical supplies and very little resources for people to access, not to mention an overall lack of healthcare professionals. We have come to realize that there is a vast amount of education needed here for the staff and patients, particularly with the recurrent medical conditions they are exposed to everyday (Tuberculosis, HIV, Malaria, Meningitis, Malnutrition and the list goes on). There is also a severe lack of funding for the hospital to train and retain health care professionals. It is truly a system in need.
On a brighter note, we are learning so much from our experiences at the hospital. Each of us have been stationed in different areas throughout the hospital. Mainly, outpatient (sort of like emergency), maternity, medical/surgical units, pediatrics, ART (HIV clinic) and the operating theater (aka - operating room). The staff and students have been very welcoming and supportive of us. We are soooo grateful for them and all their hospitality. We have also had Jess and Fay to guide and support us through this huge transition which has been unbelievably helpful. We could not possibly thank them enough for all the support, mentorship, and love they have bestowed upon us.
We are sorry we have not put up pictures yet, we are having technical difficulties with internet connections. So, stay tuned and pictures are shortly to follow!
Again- we would like to send our thoughts and love to our 'tenth' student who left us early in our journey. We are always thinking of you B.C. and wishing you and your family well. xoxo 'Your long lost Lozi's!'
Saturday, February 6, 2010
We titled this entry Makuwa because we hear it about 500 times a day. It means ‘white person’ in the Losi language and everywhere we go people shout it out…it is hilarious! We have safely arrived in Mongu. The 8 hour bus ride was what we expected. Along the way we saw elephants, wild boars, antelope, and Mary is 80% sure she saw a Rhino but the bus was moving to fast to be sure and Fay is convinced it was a unicorn…haha. We have now settled nicely into our lovely new home at the Cheshire guest house. It is beautiful. We are fortunate enough to have our own kitchen area to cook in. Kirsten, Jamie and Lindsey C made Chilli for our first meal! We all share a room with 1 or 2 other people, and each room is even equipped with it’s own bathroom – we feel so thankful for the living accommodations we have been provided with.
Yesterday we picked up our bikes from the bus station and rode them all through town back to our place. The bikes are called Zambikes and they were made just outside of Lusaka by a good friend of Jessica’s. Zambikes moto is ‘building bikes for change’ and they are committed to making this company a sustainable one for Zambians. We purchased the bikes with the money we fundraised over the last few years. They will be our major source of transportation while we are here and when we leave we plan to donate them to locals in the community. As if 12 Makuwa’s weren’t bright enough to draw attention in this small town, the bikes are florescent yellow and are always accompanied by a trail of African children running behind us.
We had a tour of the hospital where we will be spending most of our time working over the next 5 weeks. The experience was very eye opening once again. The conditions are much less then ideal, the staff to patient ratio is about 2 nurses to 40 patients, and sometimes they run with only 1 nurse. Despite the conditions, the hospital director along with all the staff and students were extremely welcoming and so pleased to have us there. We went to the lecture room where the students were being taught, and the way in which we were welcomed brought tears to our eyes. Every single person shook each of our hands and said “you are welcome.” Among all of us there is a very overwhelming feeling. We are nervous and scared to work in such a challenging environment but the support we have already been shown is very reassuring. By talking with the nurses here we have come to realize that we both share a desire to learn from each other and share our knowledge. We start on Monday at the hospital and we will keep you posted on how it is going!
Among health care challenges we are coming across others as well. Here are some to name a few: we are washing clothing by hands which takes a very long time, especially because it is rainy season and very humid, therefore nothing will dry, we are lacking coffee which is a nurses lifeline, we share our corridors with some very strange creatures – frogs, cockroaches, very large spiders, geckos, all sorts of crazy flying insects, but surprisingly and thankfully very few mosquitoes. All in all we have come to learn to cohabitate with the local flora and fauna.
Last night we sampled the local restaurant and pub/dance floor/night club. It was fantastic. One of the highlights was definitely the 6000 Kwatcha (local currency) Mosi AKA $1.25 beer. The food was great, so far we have had lots of western type foods, however last night we branched out (thanks to Lindsay Redl) and tried some Nsheima. It is basically a ground maise made into dumplings and you dip it into various sauces, last night it was a spinach concoction with small nuts in it. We then headed over to the dance floor, and perhaps we will just say that was quite the experience in itself. Our Makuwa moves were not warmly received at the Oasis dance club – apparently Canadians can’t dance. Needless to say we were given lessons!
On a sad note, one of our nurses has had to go back home due to a family emergency. We want her to know that we are thinking of her and are sending her and her family all of our love and support. We miss you B.C. and are thinking of you often.
That’s all for now, we hope this finds you all well. We will be in touch!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
We are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy:
All bags open in front of various checkouts as we took this out of there and put that back. Finally, they charged us $120.00 and begged us to move on. Still took two of us to move Jess’s hockey bag that is half the size of New York.
All asleep as I strolled the plane somewhere over the Atlantic.
Tired but excited all but Jess and I caught the train to London. Talk of plays and sights.
Jess and Fay meet the Ghana group whose plane has been delayed. They look tired but undaunted. I just look tired.
We are off to Zambia with three seats each so sleep regenerates us.
Are met at Zambia’s airport by Benjamin and an experienced looking green Nissan. We pile our luggage (which seems to have reproduced) into the back and into the front, along with Jessica, myself and the driver. Jess is perched on the center and has to shift so Ben can! I feel obligated to hang on to the door as I have visions of Jess and I flinging out on to the street. AH yes, we are here.
Our driver is terrific and we accomplish our errands quickly.
It is green and lush; trees sporting their finest flowers and the crops are flourishing. The city is busy and Benjamin takes us safely to the Zambike farm where Jess and I will stay until the students arrive. Lovely big house and best of all a bed.
I am struck once again by the welcome from Zambians. Benjamin talks with us about his life and we about ours. He finds guidance in his life from his deep faith and can recite many verses from the bible, which he uses daily to guide all his decisions and make sense of his life. It is not something we are used to at home, but natural and comfortable here as is done without judgement or preaching.
I awoke to strange bird songs and the sound of a torrential rain storm. No we are not in Kansas anymore.
Welcome to Zambia
We are staying at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka (the capital) and were given a grand tour by a third year nursing student. The environment and working conditions of the hospital have made us greatly appreciate our healthcare system and how lucky we are to have such amazing facilities. Despite the poor working conditions, the Zambian people have been exceedingly friendly and always have bright smiles to welcome us with.
We are staying in Lusaka for one more day and tomorrow we take a grand and prestigious bus ride to Mongu. Apparently, the journey will be comprised of 8 hours of bumpy roads, sweaty people, less than optimal toilets and a group of eager nurses.
So that's all for now, we'll keep you posted on our adventures throughout Zambia.