We have successfully made it through customs, and baggage claim with mass amounts of medical supplies, and way too many bags for 10 people to bring on the tube (aka the subway). The plane ride was smooth, however we did meet a bit of resistance when trying to bring over forceps, sterile scizzors and play-dough which they assumed was explosive material! We convinced them that it was all for a good cause and they did eventually let us through..phew. We are now safe and sound in our oh so lovely hostel in London, at the Hyde Park Inn....complete with 6 flights of extremely steep, winding, narrow stairs (once again, great for the MASSIVE medical bags), bunk beds, continental breakfast, and one bathroom per staricase. We all went out for fish and chips and beer and overall we have held up well, however now we are completely exhausted. Tomorrow we will venture on to do some sight-seeing and continue to take in the city atmosphere. We are having a great time and look forward to sharing in more detail with you all when we return!!